With Today's State of Affairs, Dynamic Coaching & Leadership Strategies are Crucial 

Having access to life-transforming
neuroscience techniques allows you to:

Quench your curiosity thirst for how the brain really works for managing emotions, handling stress, and influencing your actions. It is literally the epicenter of your life and ...let's face it, it's fascinating 

Stand out in a sea of coaches & leaders when high end clients and organizations are looking to hire

Create such impactful transformations for your clients that they will be recommending you to everyone they know

Command higher fees for your work and get better results in a shorter time

Finally build a meaningful & profitable business when you apply neuroscience to your marketing

Stop feeling like an imposter and have confidence knowing you have the skills to make a real difference & fulfill your purpose in life

Hi, I'm Shonté Taylor


As a UCLA trained Neuroscientist with over 15 years of graduate level brain research and industrial and organizational training, I specialize in training coaches & leaders to use neuroscience in their work. Based on my years of clinical and real-world professional coaching practices, I created the OptiMind Institute so you can leverage the advance knowledge of the brain.

The research on neuroscience is exploding and reveals that we can do so much more with our mental abilities than we ever imagined. Current brain research goes beyond dementia and brain injuries. We now understand that the brain can be enhanced to fuel our beautiful emotions, decision-making, creativity and ability to be laser-focused to thrive in modern times.

But here's the problem...the research is coming out FASTER than scientists can give to the public in an applicable way. These neuroscience BREAKTHROUGHS are buried in obscure scientific journals that 99% of everyday people will never read (or know exists).

Luckily for you, my team of neuroscientists and I have combed through the research and have distilled and simplified what you need to know to apply power packed strategies into your everyday life and give your clients and teams the scientific power to reach their human potential.

You can become a
certified NeuroCoach and NeuroLeader and optimize emotional intelligence, brain health, productivity, memory, relationships and so much more in only 12-weeks! 

What you will learn in OPTIMIND

Week 1:

Foundations of The Brain

  • The real measurable science behind the strategies you will learn throughout the program

  • Basic brain anatomy and functions of the prefrontal cortex, limbic brain, cerebellum, and brain stem functions as well as brain research techniques

  • Neuroplasticity (the brain's ability to increase and grow new branching)

  • All broken down to what you need to know to assist you as a coach & leader 


Emotions of The Brain

  • How to manage your inner (brain) world so you can be aware of how you handle your outer world and relationships, manage stress and increase productivity

  • How sleep, food, body rhythms/cycles, gut (also known as our second brain) and physical exercise drives the brain's performance
  • The neuroscience of the different
    levels/types and impact of grief and trauma on the brain as well as self esteem, imposter syndrome, authenticity and confidence

  • The developmental stages of the infant, child and teenage brain to shape their emotional and intellectual well-being so that you can help clients understand their children and be more effective parents and educators


Your Brain in Personal Life

  • How to manage your inner (brain) world so you can be aware of how you handle your outer world and relationships, manage stress and increase productivity

  • How sleep, food, body rhythms/cycles, gut (also known as our second brain) and physical exercise drives the brain's performance
  • The neuroscience of the different
    levels/types and impact of grief and trauma on the brain as well as self esteem, imposter syndrome, authenticity and confidence

  • The developmental stages of the infant, child and teenage brain to shape their emotional and intellectual well-being so that you can help clients understand their children and be more effective parents and educators


Your Brain in Professional Life

  • How to manage your inner (brain) world so you can be aware of how you handle your outer world and relationships, manage stress and increase productivity

  • How sleep, food, body rhythms/cycles, gut (also known as our second brain) and physical exercise drives the brain's performance
  • The neuroscience of the different
    levels/types and impact of grief and trauma on the brain as well as self esteem, imposter syndrome, authenticity and confidence

  • The developmental stages of the infant, child and teenage brain to shape their emotional and intellectual well-being so that you can help clients understand their children and be more effective parents and educators


Your Brain in Financial & Business Life

  • How to manage your inner (brain) world so you can be aware of how you handle your outer world and relationships, manage stress and increase productivity

  • How sleep, food, body rhythms/cycles, gut (also known as our second brain) and physical exercise drives the brain's performance
  • The neuroscience of the different
    levels/types and impact of grief and trauma on the brain as well as self esteem, imposter syndrome, authenticity and confidence

  • The developmental stages of the infant, child and teenage brain to shape their emotional and intellectual well-being so that you can help clients understand their children and be more effective parents and educators


Your Brain on Creativity & Flow

  • How to manage your inner (brain) world so you can be aware of how you handle your outer world and relationships, manage stress and increase productivity

  • How sleep, food, body rhythms/cycles, gut (also known as our second brain) and physical exercise drives the brain's performance
  • The neuroscience of the different
    levels/types and impact of grief and trauma on the brain as well as self esteem, imposter syndrome, authenticity and confidence

  • The developmental stages of the infant, child and teenage brain to shape their emotional and intellectual well-being so that you can help clients understand their children and be more effective parents and educators


Your Brain in The Brain on Love & Relationships

  • The different brain stages of love (beginning, middle and long-term relationships) so that you can help your clients better navigate, understand and fully enjoy their relationship experiences

  • The brain neurochemicals involved in the stages of love and how they interact to enhance the emotions of love, as well as bonding and trust to deepen our relationships

  • How to build trust in co-working relationships using the principles of the unconscious and the social brain networks to enhance team leadership and colleague interactions


Your Brain in Spiritual Life

  • How to manage your inner (brain) world so you can be aware of how you handle your outer world and relationships, manage stress and increase productivity

  • How sleep, food, body rhythms/cycles, gut (also known as our second brain) and physical exercise drives the brain's performance
  • The neuroscience of the different
    levels/types and impact of grief and trauma on the brain as well as self esteem, imposter syndrome, authenticity and confidence

  • The developmental stages of the infant, child and teenage brain to shape their emotional and intellectual well-being so that you can help clients understand their children and be more effective parents and educators

Choose a Pricing Option

Choose Your Specialty

In Addition To Becoming A Certified NeuroCoach & NeuroLeader, You Can Choose Your Specialization in:



 -NeuroEducation or -NeuroTrainer



-Social Justice NeuroAdvocate & NeuroCoach (NEW!)

Choose a Pricing Option

OptiMind Info Session